Sowing Seeds With Amy

June 2, 2022 5:00 - 8:00pm

Dear Ladies of OSLC,

When Amy and I were discerning the opportunity to come to West Bend, one of our priorities was to find a community that we could lay deep roots and establish lifelong relationships for Anna, Peter, Liam and ourselves. As a way to help foster these relationships you are invited to a “Ladies Night Out- Get to Know Amy Hearne” time on Thursday, June 2nd from 5:00pm-8:00pm. It’s also a chance for the women of Our Savior’s to reconnect and get to know each other again.

I’m hoping as many of you as possible can be present for this night of food, fellowship and fun! I’ll be home hanging with the kiddos so Amy can enjoy this special time with you! Thanks again for welcoming our family into this church community! Click here to sign up. Please RSVP by May 31st. 

With you a Christian. For you a Pastor.