Children's Ministry
God’s Story is our Story! And in Sunday School, we help kids understand that they are part of God’s Story. God’s love, grace and forgiveness is for them and through their words and actions they let the light of Christ shine through.

Sunday School
Our education ministry offers children age three years old through 5th grade an opportunity to come together each Sunday morning during the school year to grow, share, and witness their faith. Classes meet every Sunday of the school year from 9:15-10:00 am. We use Spark Rotation Stations (story-time, cooking, arts & crafts) to help us learn about our faith ancestors and to discover God’s story is our story. There are also many fun activities we do throughout the year like a pancake breakfast the Sunday before Lent begins, and hands-on breakout learning that helps kids understand that Jesus loves them and is always with them, no matter what.