Easter Breakfast 2024

March 31 7:15 - 9:45 am

Dear OSLC Family,

I’m so egg-cited!  Our Easter breakfast is quickly coming sunny-side up! This year’s version will be the last one with Ms. Sherie so we want to make it a fun and egg-cellent event. But we cannot eggs-aggerate how much we will need your help to hatch this plan! 

Our Easter breakfast will be March 31st from 7:15am-9:45am. Please sign up here to donate items. 

If you can help work the breakfast itself, set up for the breakfast or clean up after the breakfast, please call or email (office@oslcwb.org) Kelly in the church office at 262-334-9551 or sign up on the bulletin board in the gathering area. Let’s make this an eggs-ceptional gathering! 

Don’t egg-nore this wonderful opportunity!