OSLC Devotional Booklet Edition II: Notes of Gratitude

June 6 - September 1 2023

Dear OSLC Friends,
So many had a positive experience regarding our first ever Lenten devotional booklet this past Spring that we are going to do another one! The theme of the upcoming booklet and our devotionals will be “Notes of Gratitude.” What or who are you grateful for in life? Why are you thankful? We are asking you to write over the summer and turn in your anonymous devotionals to Kelly (office@oslcwb.org) in the office by September 1st.
Click here for writing instructions. We ask that you not exceed 400 words for spacing considerations. Invite others to join in this special ministry and opportunity we are offering as a church family!
Take some time this summer to sit back with a cold glass of lemonade taking in a sunset and reflecting on what/who you are grateful for in life. Looking forward to sharing in this wonderful spiritual exercise with you!
Pondering and writing with you,