In one sense, stewardship is barely about money at all. It is a matter of using our faith, and it is about stories, ministry stories about real people. God turns our offerings into ministry that involves and affects real people. Our offerings become pastoral care for people who are facing terrible times such as illness or the death of a loved one. God turns our offerings into Sunday School and Journey Confirmation ministry. Some families report to us that their kids are often the ones who insist their families come to worship on Sunday! They are eager to be part of worship and Sunday School, and the entire family benefits. Our offerings become worship that engages the faith of many people. A newer member of the congregation reported that he had left the Christian faith behind years and years ago because of several negative experiences. The people and worship at Our Savior’s have brought him back into the faith community, renewing his relationship with Jesus.
Our giving is an act of thanksgiving to God, who has provided us with all we need; and it provides us an opportunity to become part of the wonderful things God is doing at Our Savior’s and throughout the world.